Letter from the Commander

Commander John Houck
Houck signature

Message From Our Post Commander, John Houck

American Legion Morell Smith Post 440
Commander’s Message September 2024

September's General Membership Meeting, 9/17/24, @7:30pm, will include our annual Officer's Induction Ceremony. Mike Devlin, 9th District Commander will administer the "Oath of Office" to each of our current Post 440 Officers. Following the meeting, dinner will be served upstairs in Liberty Hall.

Please remember, during the month of September, ACME Newtown, will donate $1 for every reusable bag they sell to Post 440, Newtown. If you need reusable shopping bag, please buy it this month from ACME, Newtown.

Schools have opened this week in our area for the 2024-2025 School Year. Please be extra careful as you drive the neighborhoods and near schools where students are walking along the side streets and roads, or using crosswalks, and please adhere to reduced speed limit zones as you pass by schools.

As responsible citizens, take some time to read up on Local, State, and Federal candidates and issues that are on the ballot for the November elections. This year's election is less than 2 months away, and is probably the most important election in the past 50 years. If you need to vote by mail or absentee ballot, be aware of the dates associated with these options. If you have questions regarding your Mail in or Absentee ballot, please contact the Bucks County Board of Elections. Their number is: 215-348-6154. Please make sure you know where your polling place is. Polls open at 7am and close at 8pm. Election Day is Tuesday, November 5, 2024! 

We have over 80 members who have renewed their 2025 American Legion Membership. If possible, please renew on line. You can go to our website and just click the "Renew Membership" button. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Membership Chairman, Rob Boysen. His phone number is 267-278-0827 and his email address is freedomwatcher1949@comcast.net. 

Fall is right around the corner. Enjoy the cooler temperatures and the beautiful colors as our leaves change. 

Post Website: https://post440newtown.org 
Visit our Facebook Page: Morell Smith Post 440-Newtown, PA

John Houck, Commander
American Legion Post 440
Newtown, PA 18940
Cell: 973 809 5258

It’s your flag. Honor it, defend it, love it, and fly it!