
The Official Text for the Naming of Morell Smith Post 440

Newtown Enterprise, December 1919

Whereas, Lieutenant Morell Smith, having been an honored citizen of Newtown, and having entered the war against Germany in support of the highest ideals of justice and freedom, and with a keen sense of their meaning to his beloved country; and

Whereas, Lieutenant Morell Smith, having nobly fought, and having proven his deep devotion to his lofty principles by the supreme sacrifice upon the field of battle: be it therefore

Resolved, in recognition of this single-minded devotion, that this post be named The Morell Smith Post, Number 440, of Pennsylvania, of the American Legion; and be it

Resolved, As a token of our deep sense of loss and of our sincere sympathy with them, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the parents of the late lamented Lieutenant Morell Smith.

The above resolution was proposed by Dr. G.A. Parker, Jr. and Morris Savidge.