Honoring Some of the Country’s Brave, Fallen Soldiers
Jim Casey
Norman Moorhead
Chuck Falkevich
George Dutton
Gerald DeYoung
Joe Lamplugh
James Bucci
Don Isleib
Costic F. "Ike" Borsavage
Henry Conroy
Robert Kenderdine
Seon Cornelius
Charles Quaste
Frank Tyas
George Vennell
Michael Richardson
Joseph Adams
Robert Brodie
William Craighead
Joseph Watts
Merwyn Claar
Bruce Mitchell
Mike Donovan
Robert Novotney
Charles F. Schattler Jr.
Ralph Bye
Albert M. DiGregorio
Charles Morell Brown
Joseph Carr
Robert J. Forsyth
Paul Chreiman
Taps in Perpetuity
Morell Smith